Consultant Start | Olive Tree People

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You don't know where to start?

The Future of Beauty is Waterless

according to Forbes, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Mintel - the world‘s leading market research institute

Lea Wassermann

Waterless Beauty Consultant I Los Angeles, CA

my story

Our mission is to heal the world with the power of our mountain olive trees. For this, we take over large lands with wildly growing mountain olive trees, cultivate and eco-certify them. The mountain olive trees then supply the worldwide unique ‘Holistic Beauty Molecule’ hydroxytyrosol, which protects human cells perfectly (ESFA and FDA studies) and protect the cells of the trees up to 4,000 years. This globally unique Beauty Molecule, which is only found indigenously in our mountain olive trees, replaces 100% of the 70% water phase that is otherwise common in skin care products. The products are therefore 70% more efficient than those based on water.

The water that we do not use in our products we bring to the people in Africa by building water wells, last with the Maasai in the Kilimanjaro region, most recently in 2021. 2.5 billion people on our planet have no direct access to clean water.

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Increase your frequency by the healing sounds bath of the mountain olive trees

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You listen the sound of the olive tree today 27.07.2024

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