Fragrance (Parfum) | Olive Tree People

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You don't know where to start?

What is it?

Fragrance, also listed as Parfum on skincare product labels, can be natural or synthetic aromatic ingredients that provide a scent to skincare products. They are also considered active ingredients as their aromatherapy benefits can protect and heal. At OLIVEDA, we only use fragrances derived from natural origins. Our fragrances are compositions of essential oils derived from plants. The specific blend of ingredients in a fragrance is considered a trade secret, meaning that companies are not required to disclose the exact components.


Fragrance, also listed as Parfum on skincare product labels, can be natural or synthetic aromatic ingredients that provide a scent to skincare products. They are also considered active ingredients as their aromatherapy benefits can protect and heal. At OLIVEDA, we only use fragrances derived from natural origins. Our fragrances are compositions of essential oils derived from plants. The specific blend of ingredients in a fragrance is considered a trade secret, meaning that companies are not required to disclose the exact components.

Where does it come from?

Natural origin fragrances, the category used at OLIVEDA, are derived from plant materials, such as flowers, fruits, herbs, and spices, through processes like distillation or extraction. Our products use up to 21 unique essential oils listed under the legally prescribed collective term “parfum” in the EU and “fragrance” in the US.

What are the benefits?

What are the benefits?

  • Aromatherapy Benefits: Some fragrances derived from essential oils may offer aromatherapy benefits, such as relaxation, stress relief, or invigoration.
  • Natural Antimicrobial Properties: Some fragrances derived from essential oils, such as tea tree or eucalyptus, have natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which can benefit the skin.
  • Pleasant Sensory Experience: Fragrance enhances the overall user experience by providing a pleasant scent that can evoke emotions, memories, and a sense of well-being.
  • Brand Identity: Fragrance is often used to create a signature scent for a product line, helping to establish a unique brand identity that contributes to consumer loyalty.

How is it used in our products?

Fragrance (natural origin only) is used in less than 50% of OLIVEDA products, in 0% of LA DOPE products, and in 0% of OLIVE ROSE products. It is included (in less than 50% of OLIVEDA products) for its aromatherapy and healing properties, which create a sensory and mood-enhancing experience while providing relaxation, stress relief, and mood enhancement. The fresh or soothing natural scents linger on the skin, making the product more enjoyable.