The world's first Waterless No-Makeup
based on Hydroxytyrosol.

“Hi, it's me, little Magda on Mallorca, a
little island in the Mediterranean Sea.
I came in contact with hydroxytyrosol at
a very young age when my dad first
applied a black olive mask.“
when my dad first
applied a black olive mask.“
When I was living with my dad in LA and he picked me up from school one day, I asked him what middle name he could think of for me. He said... guess what... Olive… Shocking. But I liked Rose so much that I told him, to which he said why not put Rose and Olive together and make Olive Rose...
At that moment I remembered the picture when I was younger and lived with my family on the beautiful little island of Mallorca where I was born and have my roots and my home and my dad had put the black olive mask, the prototype for F18, on my face and told me stories about hydroxytyrosol for half my life. I remembered the many products I had tried during teenage years and nothing really helped. I remembered the difficulties and fears I had when I went out in public with my problem skin at the time. I remembered that I couldn't find any cosmetics or makeup that wasn't 70% water based and didn't contain harmful ingredients.
Remembering my time in Mallorca, hydroxytyrosol and the many products I tried during teenage years with my sister Emma and nothing really worked, the idea was born to create what was probably the first hydroxytyrosol no makeup and start with a skin tinting serum. My father loved the idea and OLIVE ROSE was born. is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
Edward Estlin Cummings